Thursday, April 23, 2009


I came across this cool website today. It's called "wordle." Basically, you can submit a paper and it will take all of your words and make it into a poster. The words that are used the most will appear larger. So, I submitted my blog and this is what came back. It's kind of small, but if you click on it you will see a much larger version.

Wordle: Oneighty

Monday, April 13, 2009


This past Weekend was Easter!
At CKC we always have a baptism service on Easter, which is always really cool. This year Stephanie Hong was baptized! Here is some pictures from her baptism. Ask her sometime to tell you her story about how she was saved. It's pretty cool.
Angela and Sun sang a special song for us too...I wish I had that on video, it was pretty awesome. Oh well, enjoy the pictures.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Arizona...Last Year

So, Sun requested that I put up some pictures from last years trip. So, here are a few pictures.
Basically, for those of you who don't know, our church went down to Arizona last summer to work with the Navajo Native Americans. We spent one week running a Vacation Bible School for the children in the two of Kaibeto.